I recently ripped my vinyl copy of Sparks "Introducing" album from 1977. Sounds good. The album comes out on cd for the first time on November 5th!!!! Got that from allsparks.com. Yee-haa! As a new Sparks fan I've really found this gem to be loaded with very memorable songs that find Sparks ascerbic/off-kilter wit displayed nicely. "Ladies" is an ode to well, ladies:.. "Ava Braun is craking jokes while Joan of Arc just sits and smokes"...wish I'd written that. "Over The Summer" is a poppy pastiche of Beach Boys harmonies with an "ugly duckling" storyline. This record just makes me wonder why the 'f' I hadn't even heard of these guys 'till this year. Whatever...I can't freakin' wait... even though I know alot of Sparks fans really didn't like this record I can't tell you all how many times I've enjoyed listening to it. Oh, and they've got another live DVD in the works...hope it's got some good early live footage. bla bla bla later,joe