At Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2007 10:17:40 Bruce Brodeen wrote: >Amen, Stewart. > >I tell bands this all the time......all the time. > >It's CRUCIAL for them to REALLY think about the name of a band - and the >title of their album. They both need to be optimizable( new word!) for >search engines, always. > >It's blows me away how supposedly well-managed large indie acts, let alone >major label ones so this all too often against their better good judgement. I feel your frustration, Bruce. After two albums with the ultra-generic Soap Opera, they changed their name to....The First Time. Try googling either name. Their old moniker brought you the latest on things like "Days Of Our Lives' and "The Young & The Restless" among other daytime TV fare. The latter takes you to every conceivable porn variation imaginable (and some unimaginable). At least Soap Opera allowed for some clever play-on words....the new name is, unfortunately, bland and forgettable. And, yes, I've voiced my displeasure to the band over this many times. They just laugh and say "we like it." Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records SWAG: BULLSEYE LIVE 365 RADIO: Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia _________________________________________________________________ Put Your Face In Your Space with Windows Live Spaces