My daughter fell for the Beatles in a big way after we took her to "Hard Days Night" many years ago. She still loves them. Now, she has not enjoyed many other things I've liked and that's fine. What's enjoyable to me is what happened recently. I download stuff from emusic. I have song's from Chris Brown's "Now that you're fed" and while I've enjoyed him, other artists have slowed my checking him out. However, my daughter is very into his music via these downloads. That puts a smile on my face. I'll need to follow her lead no doubt. It still is always interesting in terms of what moves us verses them. What reaches them and what does not. My friend and I each had the same but seperate experience many years ago with our nephews. They were into Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Nirvana, etc. We each said "You really have to hear The Replacements". They listened and were unmoved. Looked rather bored with them really. It wasn't "their" band I guess, it was "ours". Best, Steve D. PS: Speaking of music and losely of history. I'm typcially not a musical fan but I love history. I saw 1776 last night at the Guthrie and that was VERY cool. My daughter loved it too! (NP: The Critters)