Back when I discovered the Dolls (simply because Gene kept mentioning them in every interview) I was a huge KISS fan and all my friends were into basically 2 camps, 1 the people who loved KISS, and 2 the people who hated KISS. I would play the Dolls to all my KISS friends, "Saying, yeah Gene and Paul said these guys were the inspiration for KISS being started and Gene's a big fan, & Peter even grew up with the drummer (drop needle to record)." I would also say to the people who hated KISS, " Hey check out this cool band I found (drop needle to record)" I Pretty much got the same reaction from everybody, which made me even love the Dolls more, because they became "My" band.!!The reaction usually was when I played the Dolls, "I hate the singer's voice!" Chuck Oney The Vague n/p "Uncle Albert"-Paul McCartney --------------------------------- Need a vacation? Get great deals to amazing places on Yahoo! Travel.