I was out somewhere, forget where, and heard an oldie on the radio, "Got A Lot Of Living To Do". For some reason I'm thinking it was from a musical - so I did a search and came up with Bye Bye Birdie. I never saw the flick, but the thought of it brings back warm memories of my high school putting it on when I was in Jr High. I think I had a crush on the female lead... But back to the song - I'm thinking of a specific version, maybe it was Ann Margret? Or someone that sounded a bit like her? Can anyone shed any light on this? And while on the topic, I got to thinking, that would be a fun tribute CD - power pop versions of tunes from musicals. Think "Something's Coming" - the West Side Story song, as done by Todd Rundgren with the early version of Utopia. Well, at least it would be fun to me! Can anyone think of any other power pop / pop / rock covers from musicals? Dave