At Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 18:09:38 Bryan wrote: >You can thank David Ponak (Mello Cads fame) who is on this list, I believe, >for making those Figures On A Beach digital releases a reality ...(and me >too, a little bit, for helping to set them up). There are tons and tons of >releases coming out which basically have never been available on CD >before....going from digital. The major labels need to adopt this strategy sooner rather than later....especially if they're bemoaning the death of the CD. Following the availability of all our existing CD catalogue on iTunes -- everything should be there by early September (except Klaatu which is a long and unresolvable legal issue) -- we'll be issuing a few dozen digital-only albums including all the pre-1997 Bullseye catalogue including but not limited to our origins in 1985 (we've got some rogue stuff that pre-dates the label proper). I'm having fun going through the archives and getting this material digitized. Hope people out there like it too. More as it unfolds...probably early '08 _________________________________________________________________ Share More On Messenger with a Windows Live Space