Hey A'teers, Just popping in briefly to let anyone who is stuck here in the Northwest and can't make it down to L.A. for the pop mecca, the thing...the singular IPO, 10th edition, well don't despair, at least not completely: This Saturday night (August 4) NW power poppers and HUGE faves, Derby will be playing at the Doug Fir. Further, to sprinkle it with love and make the world taste good, they will be selling copies of a brand new EP that will include tracks from their upcoming 2nd release "Posters Fade" as well as some live rarities. Sounds like the perfect chaser for a summer's evening. Derby's debut "This is the New You" is one of my personal power pop faves from the 00's and the 3 tracks streaming at derbyrock.com suggest the new album will only turn up the lush. Sounds pretty sweet to my ears. And no, I'm not affiliated with Derby, the Doug Fir or any one who stands to make a profit here (someone does,right!?), so you bet this is shameless... best, -craig