Seems to me the powers that be at the newspaper didn't object to the Prince CD giveaway so much as they were about these three paragraphs revealing their corporate bottom line: Newspapers, as you may have heard, are in deep doo-doo. While the Times still is a profitable business, our revenue was down 10% in the second quarter while our cash flow was down, as our publisher put it the other day, a "whopping 27%, making it one of the worst quarters ever experienced." Times are so hard at the Times that the publisher has proposed putting ads on the front page to generate new revenue. So far we’ve made little headway developing imaginative strategies to bring back lost readers — or compete for younger readers who get their information from the Internet. The record business has been just as slow to provide fans online with new, convenient ways to hear music — the only visionary idea, Steve Jobs’ iTunes store, came from outside the business. Unless you are a mainstream pop artist, it’s hard to see how the old-fashioned record company model benefits your career anymore. If you’re a respected older performer — known in industry parlance as a heritage artist — your biggest challenge is finding a way to get your music heard. That’s where the newspaper comes in. As the Mail on Sunday has shown, newspapers remain a formidable distribution machine. My paper has roughly 1.1 million Sunday subscribers and generates 65 million page views each month. If you’re a heritage artist looking for exposure with an audience that might appreciate your work and has proven by reading a newspaper that it’s curious about the outside world, what could be a better starting point than the Times? Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records SWAG: BULLSEYE LIVE 365 RADIO: Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia >From: >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Fwd: LA times Kills column about giving away Prince CD >Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 20:35:59 -0400 > > > > >Can you say Controversy? > > > >Mbe > >Np Prince The Black Album > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >________________________________________________________________________ >AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free >from AOL at >======================================================================= >Detailed Audities-List information: >To manage your Audities List settings or unsubscribe: > _________________________________________________________________ See Fireworks On Live Image Search