----- Original Message ----- From: "Jaimie Vernon" > The difference is that "Bittersweet..." contains a SAMPLED string > section of an actual Rolling Stones song. That's a whole lot > different than someone stealing your lyrics or melody line and > recording them as their own. As others have mentioned, it contains a sample from Andrew Loog Oldham's easy-listening instrumental version of "The Last Time." The galling part of this case was that it was a licensed sample that the Verve had permission to use, but ABKCO sued anyway, claiming that since the sample was the song's primary hook, ABKCO deserved all the publishing income. That the judge fell for that pile of happy horseshit is something of a travesty: a license is a license. Clearly, Allen Klein felt the need to remind a new generation of musicians and fans that he is indeed the biggest asshole in the history of rock and roll. S