At Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2007 00:17:50 Lee wrote: >Not pop - but! - I just got back from seeing Buddy Guy at the casino - >one of the best entertainers I've ever seen in my life. I laffed, I >cried, I drank, I bought a shirt. He's brilliant....have seen him twice. >Of course - when he's doing his walkabout - there's three losers >getting right up in his face with their cellphone cameras - 6 inches >from his face! - snappin' away - some people need to be pummeled. I >just don't understand the disassociation that people have with other >(famous) humans that they think that its OK to do that. Must be the same louts who found it necessary to jump in front of my video camera while I walked about Liverpool at the IPO. Everytime I turned the damn thing on to take shots of historical sites or scenery they'd come as far away as across the street just to make faces in the camera. One group of teenagers decided that I needed to speak with each of them and have them comment on the fact that they were from SCOTLAND....sorry, I don't want you in my home movies, people. Jaimie Vernon, Bullseye _________________________________________________________________ See Fireworks On Live Image Search