Another review of a new band that people will ignore before complaining that no one ever talks about new bands in between endless McCartney-related posts. Particularly note the last sentence. One might expect a Stereolab ripoff from a band name like Deleted Waveform Gatherings, but in fact, COMPLICATED VIEW is a rather awesome blend of pure 1970s AM radio pop (opening track "Morgue Itch" has a loping, bass-powered groove pitched exactly halfway between Wings' "Helen Wheels" and Tommy James' "Draggin' the Line"), trippy neo-psych alt-rock a la Beck and, yeah, a little Stereolab as well in the vintage synth burbles that decorate the edges of these solidly constructed pop songs. Singer-songwriter Oyvind Holm has his influences on display a bit (Marc Bolan deserves some credit for Holm's deliciously whiny vocal style), but songs like the propulsive title track and the throbbing, tightly-wound freakbeat of "Emily Barratt's Dead" are so instantly likable that it seems churlish to list the obvious touchstones. (But if you must: Green Pajamas, Robyn Hitchcock, Television Personalities.) Fans of Cotton Mather's KON-TIKI who found Robert Harrison's new Future Clouds and Radar project too weird and sprawling for their tastes will be all over this. S