I sorta thought you'd like this, Stewart, given your past praise of The (Norwegian) Dipsomaniacs. It should probably be mentioned that Deleted Waveform Gatherings contain half that band (singer/songwriter/etc. Oyvind Holm and bassist Robert Skjaervik), and are essentially a continuation of Oyvind's visions. I think this: > Fans of Cotton Mather's KON-TIKI who found Robert > Harrison's new Future Clouds and Radar project too weird and sprawling > for their tastes will be all over this. is a perfect summary, and I've often thought of the Robert Harrison comparison with much of the Dipsomaniacs catalog. A song like "Seconds of Your Time" would have fit right in on Kon-Tiki, and "Complicated View" and "Ride Pillion" display a similar sort of dizzying psychedelic power pop. Then you have the late period Beatles/early solo references (I can't help but think of "I'd Have You Anytime" when I hear "Minefield Baby", for example), early '70s rock flourishes, slow-motion haunting psych and even some modern classical touches. Sometimes I feel a little too close to these guys to be writing about them, as I've loved just about everything they've done for going on 8 years now, and they happen to be great friends of mine, but there you have it. Amy