Wa...wa....wa! Watchit John!! I may just cuss on the mic again next time I'm booked at Stanton Park :-) Seriously though... Bill Holmes is right. Who cares if I say McCartney should retire. He's a Beatle for chrissake and the guy could crap into a bag and people would buy it, so why should he stop. It's better than being famous for doing nothing (ie: Paris Hilton) Sorry for the barbed rant. I was drinking at the time... Jeff > > J. Shelton: > > < billions - without making Starbucks emplyees suffer and further. Seriously, > come on...let's move on, people!>> > > Can I paraphrase Bob Segarini's Lefsetz thing here? > > "The thing about Shelton is how annoying he can be by simply stating his > opinion...I wish he'd calm down a bit and consider things from more than just > his perspective." > > John B.