< To: Audities Subject: Frames/Once/Hansard/Irglova Message-ID: <467AB27B.7060000@lullabypit.com> Pardon my drive-by, but: If you haven't seen ONCE yet, don't walk, run. I don't know when I've seen music more effectively used in storytelling, and the music is amazing. That of course got me onto eMusic, where I nabbed both the new Frames disc (outstanding) and the Glen Hansard/Marketa Irglova duet disc (maybe even better). I just feel cheated that Hansard has been around a few years and somehow I never heard of them before. But what else is new....>> A lot of people probably know Hansard best, even if not by name, as the pony-tailed guitarist in *The Commitments*. Greg Sager