Courtesy of (don't blame me...) 14> "I'm sorry, only venti pass holders are allowed backstage." 13> "It's time for Sir Paul to go on stage, Doc." "Thanks. Okay, everyone -- CLEAR!!" 12> "It was just some crank caller offering to take part in a reunion tour. I hung up on him since I knew there wasn't anyone in Wings named 'Bingo' or 'Dingo' or whatever." 11> "MEDIC!" 10> "His doctors can't seem to identify it, so they're calling it a 'magical mystery sore.'" 9> "There appears to be an octopus' garden growing from inside Paul's ears." 8> "OK, boys, I just checked Paul's room. Matlock's starting closing arguments, so be ready to go on in five minutes." 7> "If I understood the new lyrics correctly, you should probably rename it 'Silly *Loathe* Songs.'" 6> "Y'know, if John were alive to see Paul's new album selling at Starbucks, he'd probably shoot *himself*." 5> "Michael Jackson called and said he'll give you the library back if you'll pay off all those meddling kids' parents!" 4> "Have Ringo bring the limo around." 3> "When I said I wanted no caffeine and lots of foam, they handed me this CD." 2> "What is the sound of one leg dancing?" and's Number 1 Thing Heard Backstage at a Recent Paul McCartney Concert... 1> "Yoko, you grizzly old bitch! How *are* you, dear?"