----- Original Message ----- From: "Brian Hughes" > At the moment I've got Ryan Adams' "Halloweenhead" on repeat and > it's driving my missus crazy. Some songs grab me and I just have to > have them on in an endless loop and then I'll snap out of it and > play something else - whole albums even! Earlier this year it was > "Secret Smile" while I was reading Jacob's book. In the past I've > played Squeeze's "Black Coffee In Bed" until the disc wore out... > > Surely I'm not alone in doing this??? If anything, having iTunes in front of me has made me worse in this regard even than I used to be. I now routinely will play a song six or seven times in the course of a couple hours. According to last.fm, apparently the last songs I did this with were John Cooper Clarke's "Evidently Chickentown," Belle and Sebastian's "The Blues Are Still Blue," and Northern Picture Library's "Paris." I'm also a bad one for getting songs stuck in my head. The most recent of these, while I was at the Old Songs folk festival near Albany this weekend, were the Arrogant Worms' "I Pulled My Groin" and a long-time fave for this, Half Man Half Biscuit's "Vatican Broadside." Which is nice because it's only 30 seconds long and it gives me an opportunity to swear whenever I sing it around the house. (to the tune of the Battle Hymn of the Republic:) The singer out of Slipknot went to Rome to see the Pope The singer out of Slipknot went to Rome to see the Pope The singer out of Slipknot went to Rome to see the Pope And the Pope said to his aide: "Who the fuckin' 'ell is Slipknot? Who the fuckin' 'ell is Slipknot? Who the fuckin' 'ell is Slipknot? In relation to me gettin' out of bed?" S