Aaron Milenski wrote: > OK, after all of you calling the new McCartney album > the best since FLOWERS IN THE DIRT, which I had > gotten rid of in disgust many years ago, I found a copy > and have listened again. > > And all I have to say is "Are you all nuts?" The trendy > production sound on this makes it utterly unlistenable. > Boom! Boom! Boom! GATED SNARE DRUM!! > > No wonder I hated it so much. People really think this is better > than CHAOS & CREATION? Hi Aaron, FITD better than C&C? Well, yes and no. Are we all nuts? Hell, yes! I like "My Brave Face", "This One", Figure of Eight", "Put It There" and "Motor of Love" better than anything on C&C. The rest of the songs (such as "We Got Married", "Rough Ride") are throwaways and worse than songs on C&C. To answer your question more specifically, I would prefer an inconsistent album with 5 really strong pop songs and soybean filler. So FITD gets my vote. But...different strokes for different folks. Marty P.S. Flowers in the Dirt.... Digust? Really?