At Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2007 15:46:50 -Curtiss wrote: >Hey, that's great news. I was disappointed to see that of the four side >projects, only the Pale Stars seems to have a CD out. I'm going to buy a >copy of it post haste. And I very much look forward to Splitsville's next >album. This seems to be the nature of the music world now. Everyone's got their own agenda and the results, alas, are usually under-conceived. There's something to be said for the power of a single project...rather than a whole bunch of little ones that may or may not fly. Now, in the case of Splitsville it's a logistics problem that keeps the band from working together full time so full props to them for trying to be active and still delivering the goods in whatever form that might be. Jaimie Vernon, Bullseye _________________________________________________________________ Windows Live Hotmail with drag and drop, you can easily move and organize your mail in one simple step. Get it today!