Well, looks to me like he's having fun, so if that's what it takes to be "hip," well, so be it. I hope I have that much energy at 65. By the by, the latest Onion has a teaser on the cover to an article that actually doesn't appear in the paper, and it made me laugh: Opinion: "My favorite Beatle Has Always Been Paul," by Sir Paul McCartney. Everybody dance tonight! Still quoting the classics, Alan http://www.purepopradio.com http://www.buhdge.com ---- Will Harris wrote: > >He's 65 and dancing around like the tin woodsman to a mediocre song. And > >what's with the Chuck Taylors (which they show prominently)/suit and tie > >combo. > >He looks like he's trying out for a Strokes tribute band. > >He was a little younger back in 1964, no? > > I'm a Macca defender from way back...but when I saw that ad, even *I* > thought, "Geez, Pop, you're EMBARRASSING me!" The dancing in and of itself > isn't so awful, but the crazy rainbow color stuff is what sends it into a > desperate attempt to be "hip." > > WILL > >