I'd like to form a tribute band that celebrates both the music of Sweden's most legendary pop act and America's most off-kilter guitarist-songwriter auteur of the '60s, '70s, and '80s, all performed in the manner of an eighties-style Minneapolis post-hardcore trio. I'm thinking of calling it Abbazappa Du. Willlllma! Greg Sager (who doesn't think much of tribute bands) Well, Greg, you've made me remember another Austin cover band who I saw once. It's Abba meets the Ramones ; they call themselves Gabba Abba Hey. Original, eh ? ;-) They performed Abba songs in the Ramones style. _________________________________________________________________ Need a break? Find your escape route with Live Search Maps. http://maps.live.com/default.aspx?ss=Restaurants~Hotels~Amusement%20Park&cp=33.832922~-117.915659&style=r&lvl=13&tilt=-90&dir=0&alt=-1000&scene=1118863&encType=1&FORM=MGAC01