At Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2007 09:35:40 Bill wrote: >>Besides...if this happened in Vegas, weren't we supposed to let it stay >>there? Thanks, Bill! > >Think of it as a pyramid scheme gone horribly awry (don't they all?). >Someone sent it to me knowing I'd cringe...I did the same. So this is a cruel pay-it-forward scheme? :-) >Eventually someone will get a woody watching all 82 pounds of Celine doing >the duck walk and the universe will right itself again. Isn't she >French-Canadian? Alas....yes. >Where's The Burglar Of Banph-ph-ph when you need him? Too bad she doesn't incorporate more Marcel Marseaux into her show. >It's not as bad as Pat Boone doing "Tutti Fruitti", I'll grant you that. >But it's close. But it *is* as bad as Boone's version of "No More Mr. Nice Guy". Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records SWAG: BULLSEYE LIVE 365 RADIO: Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia _________________________________________________________________ Windows Live Hotmail with drag and drop, you can easily move and organize your mail in one simple step. Get it today!