>The Pipettes album, my #1 of 2006, STILL hasn't been released in the >states: I saw a Newbury Comics ad in this week's Phoenix announcing >their "debut EP" is being released this week in tandem with a short US >tour. That's funny: I literally just finished writing a review of that EP for Bullz-Eye. Wow, talk about déjà vu…and not just because We Are The Pipettes – the album from which this song originates – was a brilliantly British blend of ‘60s girl group sounds and ‘80s new wave fun that made my Best of 2006. (It’s been available in the UK since August of last year.) No, what’s even more depressingly familiar is the way the album’s belated physical release is being handled here in the States: by wasting time with a teaser EP instead of just getting the damned album out there. You may recall that Interscope Records is also the American home of The Feeling, a band who experienced a similarly-delayed Stateside premiere. Sorry to get up on a soap box in the middle of a quick take, but record labels really need to hurry up and realize that, in today’s high-speed digital world, we need simultaneous world-wide releases for albums; the buzz on new bands spreads way too fast nowadays, and, at this rate, the one on The Pipettes will be over a year old by the time their album ever gets a U.S. release. Oh, but you were probably wondering about the contents of this EP. Well, you get two songs from the album (the other one being “I Love You”), plus two songs that’ve been rescued from earlier UK B-sides; of the latter pair, the best of the bunch is “Guess Who Ran Off With The Milkman,” which might actually be better than the EP’s title track. - Will Harris