----- Original Message ----- From: > Stewart, inimitably: > > "...one of whom I told at the merch table, 'You know, next time you > should just go ahead and > actually masturbate on stage. It'll be just as unpleasant and > self-indulgent, but slightly less annoying.'" > > HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! How is it that I can totally picture this > when I've never actually met Stewart? Ten years of reading him, I > guess. > > But, dude! You have to tell us what the reaction was. Actually, he just stared through me like I wasn't even there, which was exactly what I expected. I have to set the scene here. His "performance" was that he walked onstage, sneered "This is gonna be excruciatingly loud," flipped a switch on an amp and then stood behind a box of electronics flipping switches as they produced howls of feedback and noise. He occasionally screamed wordlessly through a condenser mic he held in his teeth. After about 15 minutes -- during which about half of the already half-empty room left -- he turned everything off, stood there for a second waiting for applause, and then slinked offstage while everyone remaining looked pityingly at him, as if to say, "Well, aren't YOU Mr. Badass Extreme Noise Terrorist?" Or, as my friend JO put it, as the guy was breaking down his box, "Oh well, back to Mom's basement. They understand me there." The thing is, this guy, the band after him and the guy after them all did performances that would have been exactly the same had there been no one else in the room. It was that insular and masturbatory. No wonder it was such a relief when Lavender Diamond came on and made an effort to actually engage with and connect to the audience. We were so starved for someone to notice that there were actual people sitting in the seats that they were received just rapturously, and they gave it back to us. Very engaging performers. S