Michael Bennett wrote: >> From today's ESPN chat: > > Mark, Corvallis: Arcade Fire or The Shins? > > Rob Neyer: Oddly enough, "Mark" -- if that's really your name -- I've > seen both bands live in the last few months. I think the Shins write > better songs, and Arcade Fire puts on a better show. But Sloan beats > both of them. I'd say Mr. Neyer hit a home run with that analysis. Saw Sloan recently in San Francisco and the show was really great. it's obvious these guys have fun doing what they do. Also saw the Austin City Limits with the Shins and Flaming Lips. The Lips were really odd and entertaining, while the Shins, even with really good songs, were looking like they'd rather be anywhere but on stage that night. The show was from '04, so maybe they've picked it up as their stardom has grown. Joe Field http://FlyingColorsComics.com