I rediscovered Hanson right after they released Underneath and was mightly impressed in their growth as musicians. I am looking forward to The Walk. If you have the time, the guys have released weekly podcasts on ITunes on the making of The Walk and as an extra bonus, they also include their documentary "Strong Enough To Break" in 12 episodes. The film was originally meant to document the making of Underneath and ended up documenting their constant battles with Def Jam and their eventual release from their contract. A real sobering look at how the music biz eats its young. Mark E. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael vg" To: Sent: Friday, May 25, 2007 3:10 PM Subject: Re: The Walk > --- "Stupay, Robert" wrote: >> Not sure if this has been discussed here already, but it's another >> surprisingly great disc from the Hanson boys. > > A couple times actually. This is a great CD, been enjoying it > alot. > >> I know it seems unlikely, but these guys have grown into a >> solid rock band. >> Hard to believe these are the same kids that annoyed the world with >> "Mmmbop" a mere 10 years ago. > > I always felt Mmmbop showed a lot of promise, and I was right. > Sure it was pure ear candy, but that is good sometimes, and > it had a hook that would not go away. > I remember seeing them a few years after Mmmbop was huge > on the VH1 show "the list" and even back then they showed > that they were a solid rock band. > It was interesting to hear these young kids debate about > music with others on the show, and show they knew more > and had much better taste than Ashton Kutcher. > > michael > > > > ____________________________________________________________________________________Looking > for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with Yahoo! FareChase. > http://farechase.yahoo.com/ > ======================================================================= > Detailed Audities-List information: > To manage your Audities List settings or unsubscribe: > >