Ryan: There are few clips on YouTube from 1985 http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=jesus+and+mary+chain+live+1985 Nothing from the Late Show, however. Also found an earlier clip of them on Letterman...probably from 91 or 92. Jeff ----- Original Message ----- > On a similar note,does anyone possess a copy of the Jesus and Mary Chain performance on the Joan Rivers hosted Late Show from around 20 years ago? I missed the broadcast because our affiliate had some breaking news and ended the show before they came on.Needless to say it was never reaired here. > The NBC affiliate did a similar abrupt screwup when the Wedding Present performed on Conan O'Brien approximately a year later although they let them perform a minute's worth of ..I think it was Brassneck or Kennedy...before they statrted prematurely switching some commercials in. > I would love an opportunity to get a copy of either of these. > thanks,