I think Williams' persona hasn't really translated to the states. The closest comparison I can think of is...remember back when Craig Kilborn was the host of the Daily Show before Jon Stewart, and his whole thing was "I'm playacting at being a smug, sexist creep so thoroughly that you can't tell if I'm REALLY a smug, sexist creep or just pretending to be one"? Robbie's persona is very similar: he's playing at being an arrogant, vain egotist, but there's a kind of a nod and a wink behind it. And I think that twist has been overlooked by a lot of folks over here because he's not so omnipresent in the media that it's clear that it's an act. Also, I just don't think he's done much that's as good as "Millennium" recently. Another UK import that I'm surprised didn't translate: Atomic Kitten, whose Svengali was Andy McCluskey of OMD. S