----- Original Message ----- From: "kerry_kompost" > LOL. S, I don't have the time to dig thru the digests, but, come on, > you've expressed disdain for the "Jellyfish"-influenced bands that > have been touted here from time to predictible time. And now you > claim to be an unabashed fan of ALL pop music? Funny, I never got > that impresson from reading your posts here for the past ten years. > Just sayin'. Jesus, it really is black and white for you, isn't it? I don't understand what's so difficult about this. Dig: I don't like ALL pop music, and never said that I did. You're the one making the indefensible blanket statements, not me, so don't try to turn this around. Yeah, I've stated here on several occasions that I don't like this band or that band, but what you've been doing over the last few days is quite ostentatiously shitting on pretty much the entire musical style as a whole as well as individual musicians within it. If you truly don't see what was so insulting about that "La la la, I'm so morally and intellectually superior to you, Michael Carpenter, you poor bastard" post, then I'm afraid I can't help you. S