<> Me too, until they replaced Dick York with Dick Sargent. ;-) -------------- Original message ---------------------- From: "kerry_kompost" > Stewart Mason wrote: > > >I would discuss the misplaced hubris of your other recent posts in > greater detail, but it seems like a simple "eat me" is sufficient: > like a good two and a half minute pop single, it's concise, direct > and does the job.< > > Here's the prog-rock response: you, sir, may eat me with a golden > fork whilst dancing with the fairy-princess in the land of flying > chocolate-coated candy horses on the planet FUG-19. > > LOL. S, I don't have the time to dig thru the digests, but, come on, > you've expressed disdain for the "Jellyfish"-influenced bands that > have been touted here from time to predictible time. And now you > claim to be an unabashed fan of ALL pop music? Funny, I never got > that impresson from reading your posts here for the past ten years. > Just sayin'. > > And, while I don't care for Spice Girls at all, I do like Bewitched > to a certain extent. So there. > > kErrY > www.myspace.com/kompost > >