Well, looks like I've pissed off a few people, and for that, I apologize, but I stand by my principles. Allow me that, if you'd be so kind. I'm not saying that if you like your songs pre-chewed, that's a bad thing. I'm not saying all music must not be derivative; just, you know, try to incorporate those influences rather than blatantly copying them (how satisfying can that be?). I'm not saying all commercially released (ie. major label) music of the past ten years has sucked, but a majority of it HAS; I'd like to see anyone dispute that. I AM saying that the creation of music is utterly independent of the business side of things, and, for me and me alone, artists who blatantly sound like they are catering to a certain market in the hopes of being signed are not artists I am interested in hearing. I AM saying that SO MUCH of the music I've heard here over the last eight years has done very little to hold my interest. Been there, done that. Hey, there's no accounting for taste. Occasionally, someone gets the right idea and is able to masterfully create music that shows it's influences without being obvious, and that's why I lurk here. I AM saying that, for me and me alone, music is like the Deluxe Crayola set, and, goddamnit, I'm gonna use ALL of the colors, rather than limiting myself to a handful of shades. YYMV. I AM saying that it's only music, and, just because one person (ie. me) feels one way about things, there's no need to get defensive about YOUR tastes, because, trust me, I'm not judging anyone here. I know I'll never sell records, I know the music I write -- which, always, has to please me and me alone -- will never be widely accepted, I know there's no label who will ever give me the financial support (good god, what I could do with a measly $2500!). Do any of these things stop me from creating? Should they? It appears to me that if I were to take the overriding views of this board to heart, I should scrap everything and just write 3-minute verse/chorus/verse songs. Uh, sorry, but no. Music is a journey, and the scenery's gotta constantly change as a result. If not, you're just sitting in one place. Sorry for all the posts, and I AM truly sorry for the one that got away (the one that started all this). Back to lurkdom... kErrY (aka Sparkles -- my new pop moniker!) www.myspace.com/kompost ____________________________________________________________________________________Get the free Yahoo! toolbar and rest assured with the added security of spyware protection. http://new.toolbar.yahoo.com/toolbar/features/norton/index.php