I had, like, four or five responses to this particular thread in various states of editing and composition (all scrapped now); please forgive me if I accidentally sent one that was in embryonic form. Shit happens... Stewart Mason wrote: >And yet...you're still here... Yes, I'm still here because even though my musical heart resides in prog/fusion land, I LOVE classic pop changes and artists who are able to blend various influences, and, occasionally, something mentioned here -- like, for instance, Self's "Subliminal Plastic Motives", or, more recently, Jeff Carlson's Sonata Form project "Harmony, Courage, Joy and IQ" -- will pop up and grab me my the danglers. So, yeah, I'm still here, listening -- critically. Got a problem with that? Wait, I just remembered you're, like, 6'5" -- I take that back! Why are YOU still here, Stewart? Seems like your tastes don't mirror those of the majority of this board either...not that there's anything wrong with that. Anyway, my whole point with regard to the indie musician/commerce thread is this: if you are an artist, and your goal is to make money via your art, I, personally, will call into question your motivation for creating. I believe that lasting art is created from desires of the heart, not the needs of the pocketbook (get a day job!). I believe there is a difference between inspired writing and by-the-numbers songcraft (do your own thing!). I believe that there are innovative writers in all genres, and that there are even more who are hacks trying to ride their coat-tails. My conscience demands that I separate the two, if only for my own musical sanity. Having said that, I also realize that I am painfully in the minority here, where a majority of folks could care less if it's original or not, as long as it sounds like [name of classic pop band here]. I gots no problem with that, but I choose not to listen to that stuff because, you know, I've heard those changes before. It's like eating leaf lettuce for lunch every day -- that stuff gets boring FAST, gimme some pickled beets once in awhile. Lastly, for those who scream "hypocrite!" because I've been a musician/co-writer in some overtly pop bands, remember, there's a difference between actually playing the music, and just listening to it as a fan. I won't listen to a lot of stuff that sounds obviously derivative, but if there's a level of complexity to the stuff, hell yeah, I'll play it! I love a challenge. Again, I am sorry if my original un-thought-out post bothered anyone here. After all, it's just music: if YOU like it, then it's good. That's all that matters. Don't let anyone sway you otherwise. kErrY www.myspace.com/kompost ____________________________________________________________________________________Choose the right car based on your needs. Check out Yahoo! Autos new Car Finder tool. http://autos.yahoo.com/carfinder/