Someone wrote.. > >>No, you're not--of course it can--but very few have the luxury to > be able to devote enough time to the creation of said art without > having to worry about what they're going to live on.< Then Kerry replied... > > See, this is what I don't get. I work a 40-hour a week job. I have a > live-in girlfriend. I have a house and a yard to maintain. I fly > fish my ASS off (trust me, it's a major time commitment). I have no > children, by choice. > > And, yet, here I have a 53-minute solo drum piece by fusion drummer > Marco Minneman that he sent me to compose music for, at my request. > I've written and fully demo'd almost thirteen minutes so far, all > instrumental and a LOT of guitar wanking, but who knows, I might > throw in some vocal sections of the urge hits me. > That's why I feel a little less like laughing when people tell me > this shit can't be done. I'm doing it, I always have, and I'm ABLE > to do this because I KNOW WHAT I LIKE DOESN'T SELL, so I have to > make my OWN MONEY via a job. > > It's not that hard. The bottom line, as always, is: it keeps me > amused. > > When guys like Will Owsley say they're done writing music, I always > wonder, how can you turn it off just like that? How can you just > STOP? Because I can't. The day I stop hearing music in my head is > the day I die. Hopefully not before I finish the 53 minutes!!! I've been staying out of this one, but Kerry, i'm afraid my tolerance for your line of thought just went over the edge.. I've only met you a couple of times, but know people who know you and you seem like a nice enough guy. But your generalisations in this whole discussion have just been infuriating. I'm not sure where to start.. so much of what you've said has been unconsciously (i'm sure) hurtful to those of us trying to make a living out of this music business.. within this dubious realm that means so much to so many people.. guitar pop.. or power pop or whatever it's called. I love the Beatles. I'm derivative of them. Certainly my first few albums were a homage to many who've gone before. But i take my career, my writing, my voice, my productions and the like extremely seriously... constantly trying to get better at expressing who i am. Your opinion is your own, and that's fine, i guess. But with the things your saying so generally, you're essentially dismissing the careers of a lot of people, and that can be hurtful. I may be overly sensitive, but i was hurt by it. And then, your comment above, about how you make music.. man.. i've spoken publicly about my struggles to keep alive my career and my studio enough, and then you come here and talk about how 'easy' it is. You just have all the answers don't you? I shouldn't be upset by it i guess.. you're like an armchair critic.. it's easy i guess to scream at the game from the sideline, without ever really being in the game. And it's easy to hide behind "it's ok because what i do i do for fun and it doesn't sell anyway".. and i guess that's fine for you.. you've worked out how that fits in your life, and i'm genuinely happy that you're happy with that. But please don't compare what you're doing to Will Owsley, or me, or Bruce Brodeen, or David Grahame among others. We're literally staking our lives and those of our families and our financial futures on our belief in ourselves.. in our dreams...and we're failing!! I expect you can't imagine what that feels like. We don't talk about giving up because we want to... it's because we only know to give it everything. I've been a full time musician/producer now for ten years.. every day the reality of giving up becomes more tangible. After putting so much into it.. giving everything i can to make this work, the idea of going to my little room in the back of my house to make a record after working 8 hours a day at a job i believe isn't what i'm meant to be doing hardly seems appealing. And unlike you, i like making music that people might want to listen to.. maybe even buy. So please don't compare your music making situation to those who are trying to find an audience. So anyway.. i probably shouldn't reply in anger, or frustration. But i'm tired. My 3 year old daughter wants my attention. A record company hasn't paid me a huge bill for a record i produced, and it seems like they may be dodging it, in which case i'll be out of business next week. And.. i'm tired and bored with whining about money. So please indulge my lack of tact.. MC