> Thanks for posting the link for the video clip, Michael :-) Yes, thanks Michael! I've seen a video from the same session for a way cool version of "Shake" (originally by Sam Coooke?). > Point being: again, if we're talking about new music models, musicians are all now mini-entrepreneurs and they each know their individual situations better than we do. Good point. And one suggestion I would just throw in the mix here to all bands (especially those I like!) is to please, please, please bring some product (CD's, DVD's, t-shirts, whatever) to ALL of your live gigs. I can't tell you how many shows I've been to where band members don't have anything with them to sell or promote themselves. There are numerous bands that I've been turned on to, simply because they had a cheap $3 demo tape for sale. These days, it's really easy to put together CDR's to sell for a couple of bucks to introduce fans & potential fans to their recorded music, that will most likely result in their continued support or interest going forward. Without it, they may remember the show, they may not... Be seeing you, Bill