Sherman...that album from Elvis was truly an intense listen for me on the first listen. I didn't know what to expect and "Ash Wednesday" was an emotional musical ride. Losing his Dad to such a public and tragic disease followed by the murder of his Mom in a brutel fashion that has altered most of our lives makes for an album that for me was quite compelling. I've listened to it a number of times and it is a very nice album but it may take a few listens for someone to appreciate. Not forced to listen to but maybe come back to. You never know what state of mind you are when listening to something. I've found that to be true with a lot of albums I've stacked here at home. A couple listens and then filed away only to be hauled out months later or even years later and I was in another musical zone that allowed me to connect with that album. I know that it's been discussed here before but I find it to be totally true for myself. Aloha, Michael McCartney KEAO FM / KONI FM / KPMW FM / KTOH FM Now Playing: "Feel" - Jesse Harris