I wrote: >>But I'll say it again: music can most definitely be written at a level which is considered high art, even if I'm the only one who feels that way.<< Benjamin Lukoff responded: >No, you're not--of course it can--but very few have the luxury to be able to devote enough time to the creation of said art without having to worry about what they're going to live on.< See, this is what I don't get. I work a 40-hour a week job. I have a live-in girlfriend. I have a house and a yard to maintain. I fly fish my ASS off (trust me, it's a major time commitment). I have no children, by choice. And, yet, here I have a 53-minute solo drum piece by fusion drummer Marco Minneman that he sent me to compose music for, at my request. I've written and fully demo'd almost thirteen minutes so far, all instrumental and a LOT of guitar wanking, but who knows, I might throw in some vocal sections of the urge hits me. On weeknights, after my girlfriend crashes or settles into some television or browsing, I go into my music room, fire up the recorders, strap on a guitar or a bass or turn on a keyboard, and I start writing. And recording. And embellishing. And overdubbing. Then I move on to the next section of naked drums and do it over again, except completely different (hopefully). When I am done, I will have 53 minutes of original music over some absolutely jaw-dropping drumming. Will the music be occasionally pitchy or sloppy? Yes. Will there be bad engineering? Yes. Will some musical ideas be sketchy? No doubt. Will it be high art? It will for me because I've never attempted something this ambitious before. That's why I feel a little less like laughing when people tell me this shit can't be done. I'm doing it, I always have, and I'm ABLE to do this because I KNOW WHAT I LIKE DOESN'T SELL, so I have to make my OWN MONEY via a job. It's not that hard. The bottom line, as always, is: it keeps me amused. When guys like Will Owsley say they're done writing music, I always wonder, how can you turn it off just like that? How can you just STOP? Because I can't. The day I stop hearing music in my head is the day I die. Hopefully not before I finish the 53 minutes!!! kErrY www.myspace.com/kompost