Hersh Forman asked: >Agree totally...yet any other Aunts CD I listened to never quite measured up to Minor Chords and Major Themes. I must admit I didn't buy all of them, so if you think there's another great Aunts CD, so tell. I hesitate to mention it, what with MINOR CHORDS getting a lot of love, but for me that record was rather a tepid postscript to their best stuff, namely the FLIPPIN OUT LP and the LEARN TO PLAY GUITAR EP. Decidedly more powerful pop, with a guitar edge that was mostly missing on MINOR CHORDS, at least from what I remember of it - I haven't heard that record in years. I'll go back and see if it hits me differently after years of distance, but FLIPPIN' OUT's where I go for an Aunts fix, and where I'd steer a newbie. b.s.