Jaimie Vernon wrote: >>Who the fuck said this was art? Those making music are deluding themselves if they think so. And you're deluding yourself if you believe this idyllic fantasy.<< I must be delusional because I SAID SO: MUSIC CAN BE ART. POP MUSIC CAN BE ART. Nothing you say will convince me otherwise. Maybe you see music as disposable garbage, but that's indicative of your mentality, not mine. You yourself have said -- many times -- "If I don't like it on first listen, I will never like it." You are obviously possessed of an extremely rigid musical mind, but, ya know, that's not always the right mindset for everyone else. I thank God my musical mind isn't so easily satisfied... >>I still can't believe what a profoundly inane post you made.<< And I can't believe how close-minded and, frankly, jaded you appear to be. Is it any wonder the music industry is collapsing while the actual creation of music is exploding? I find that to be a delightful paradox. Lastly, I don't know Jaimie personally, and I stand in absolute AWE with his contributions not only to the Canadian music encyclopedia, but also to him being an indie-label guy with his own vision and his own agenda. I mean no ill will towards you, Jaimie, and I respect your opinions even if I'm not in agreement with 'em. But I'll say it again: music can most definitely be written at a level which is considered high art, even if I'm the only one who feels that way. kErrY www.myspace.com/kompost