> I'm not saying that if you like your songs pre-chewed, that's a bad thing. No, the bad thing is your condescending choice of words. Like those. > It appears to me that if I were to take the overriding views of this board > to heart, I should scrap everything and just write 3-minute > verse/chorus/verse songs. Uh, sorry, but no. Music is a journey, and the > scenery's gotta constantly change as a result. If not, you're just sitting > in one place. File under "You Just Don't Get It, Do You?". I have yet to find someone who has criticized you for your musical choices. Play a kazoo underwater, who gives a shit? The results will sink or swim on their merits, as will those of...well, anyone. I'm struggling because I sense you're trying to be polite but you seem incapable of posting a message that doesn't read like "my music is better than your music". And I'm NOT saying musicians shouldn't feel that way...I hope every musician feels their output rivals the masters...but damn if the way you say it doesn't sound preening. It comes off more like "my great music is better than your derivitave crappy music". Big difference. b