At Date: Wed, 16 May 2007 17:20:43 Kerry wrote: >To Michael and every other artist here who is hanging their hopes >and dreams and putting the lives of their families in financial >danger Here we go with this shit again.... And working at McDonald's for minimum wage doesn't put one's family in financial danger if that's the path you've chosen? Or on a GM assembly line making $32 p/hr but the union can no longer guarantee someone a job making it likely the continued downsizing of the North American automobile industry could cost you your job and your family's financial security? EVERY job puts people in financial danger - including lawyers, doctors and stock brokers (all considered "legit" jobs) because the bottom can fall out in a the blink of an to all those families whose financial world was devastated on 9/11 for instance. The days of a secure career are gone. My own example of being bought out by an amalgamated government agency was case in point. When I got the job with the City Of Scarborough I was told I'd be there for LIFE....guess what? I was swept under the rug 12 years later. >because they feel they're "not meant" to work a 40-hour week day job, all I >can say is you've >gotta live with the choices you've made. No gun was >placed to your collective heads forcing you to >take such -- to me, anyway >-- outrageous, and, frankly, dangerous risks. Now you've crossed that line between opinion and judging what it is I, and others, do. I work a 78 hour week at my *irresponsible* job. So don't preach to me about 40 hours somehow being the magic number for a "normal" day gig. I employ 7 people. THEIR livelihoods depend on my ability to convince YOU to buy music. Just like that restaurant owner who has a staff of 14 and counts on the public to buy food. It's all relative and has nothing to do with music as a career choice. We all have widgets to sell. My widgets happen to be compact discs (and soon MP3s). The only difference is that my widgets are hand crafted by some fine artisans (not artists) and are one of a kind. And one of those artisans happens to be me. Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records SWAG: BULLSEYE LIVE 365 RADIO: Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia _________________________________________________________________ Windows Live Hotmail gives you the control you need to help you keep your e-mail private, safe and secure. See for yourself!