Wow! That's about as ballsy as David Grahame's $2 song download. Actually...more so, if they're asking for a $50 donation. I thought consumers supported artists by paying for their product *after* it was finished? As for, if their tier level is $50K...someone is scraping a helluva lot off the top and laughing all the way to the bank. Anyone with the right gear and know-how can make a top notch studio album for less than $10K. Hell...artists can make fantastic albums in their bedrooms w/ a ProTools rig and a few good condenser mics for chrissake! Jeff ----- Original Message ----- > > *** IKE TO RECORD NEW ALBUM: PATRONS PLEASE HELP!! *** > > Hot on the heels of our recent live CD, we will be embarking on a new > > studio recording in June, which we plan to release later this year! > > We are once again asking anyone who is willing and able to become an > > IKE PATRON to make a donation toward the recording fund. There is an > > easy PayPal donation button at (at the bottom of > > the website's home page). YOU DO NOT NEED TO HAVE A PAY PAL ACCOUNT > > TO DONATE!! By donating $50 or more, your name will be listed in the > > CD liner notes, you'll receive an autographed copy of the CD, and > > you'll receive a VIP invite to the CD release party later this year.