I haven't posted in quite awhile, but after seeing Michael Carpenter's post with that very cool song set, I thought that maybe some list members might be interested in checking out a new band that I've been involved with in western NY for the last 14 months called 28IF. It's all BEATLES, BRITISH INVASION and the BEST OF THE SIXTIES. You can tracks, view photos, and get more info & gig updates at: www.myspace.com/official28if What started out as a lark has turned into a regular thing. And It's been so much fun just going out and pulling all these great old songs out of the woodwork, that we now have a list of 85 songs that we can do at a moment's notice. And it's been great to see the older "boomers" coming and hanging out all night (Bill Holmes, we haven't seen ya since last April). Have a great summer and if you're in the Rochester or western NY area, I hope we'll see you at a 28IF show. A splendid time is guaranteed for all. Best, Ray Paul www.myspace.com/raypaulonline