Hey Judith and everyone! Thanks so much for caring! Thanks for the link. What an unreadable site! Ugh! I only contributed in the blog now and then under the popcat moniker, and this all occurred when it had been weeks since I last posted anything, but it seems that this PH kept threatening us everyday, and took the time to spill his bad manners in many of the comment options of many of the music posted there, not only in the post where his song was featured but virtually everywhere. He was spamming our email address with threats constantly too. It's really a shame that things have come out this way. Mr. Powepoplover must be quite temperamental, because the decision of taking care of the blog all by himself was something he just did out of the blue, and now I see he says he will scrap all the blog. I hope he doesn't do that and keeps it as an archive. On the other hand, some of the latest posts he published, alleged out-of-print cds, were a mistake, IMHO. At any rate, our love for finding obscure vinyl-only powerpop and treating it nicely has not ended, and I guess something will resurface very soon. I am in touch with Mr. Apollo and will keep you posted. best! francesc 2007/5/8, beeman@istar.ca : > > > Hi everyone (hey Francesc!), > > Wow, that sux re the blog. > > I got to thinking "who the bleep is Pete Holly" so did a quick search. > > http://www.peteholly.com is...interesting...scroll down a bit and > you'll get my drift. > > He's prolific w/some music for sale on Amazon, what I listened to from > his Pete Holly 3 cd (btw, his grief w/the blog had better not be about > plagerism, cos he totally steals Led Zep's cover art!) I actually > thought the few bars I heard of a few songs were pretty good in a Skip > Spence "oar" sort of way (which is a good thing.) > > regards, Judith > > > >