Bob: You're right. The writing is on the wall and (as an artist) I'm growing to accept the death of the CD and the "album" as an art form. When I got my first CD Baby check for Q1 of 2006 and saw 2 CD sales and 389 downloads, I literally gasped. It's hard to accept that people may not buy a CD, but instead opt for a song or two on iTunes. On the other least they're buying *something*. I'd rather have someone buy one song...than pass up an album altogether. I have mixed feelings about file sharing/free songs. While it's nice to get paid for making music, I'm as guilty as any potch-faced teenager for snagging stuff off LimeWire, or swapping CD-R copies of albums with friends. All the more reason I'm completely resigned to *not* make alot money off my music. All the more reason, the next Well Wishers album will likely be DIGITAL ONLY ...with bonus downloads and a nice high-res liner notes booklet in PDF format! Jeff