Well, I'm a liitle late with this but, I just gotta chime in on Macca's Silly Love Songs. I still am totally fascinated with the pop gem. I never fail to find something new and interesting to discover whenever I stop singing and just listen. To this day, it is still my favorite song. Also with Queen, I'm a huge fan and my fave is still Dragon Attack. It's all muscle and beat. When they played it last year on their tour, it may have been the pinnacle of live performances for me. My wife knows I will die a happy man! Now, on to something new. Have any of you heard the cd by Jim McGorman? He was part of the house band for the RockStar show. (I think he's currently on the road with Avril.) Anyway, his cd/band is called Jamestown and is very nicely crafted pop. If you haven't heard him, you should. Check him out at: http://jimmcgorman.com/