This Austin band is heading to the LA area for several shows from June 3rd-June 25th. From their bio written by Will Sheff of Okkervil River: Brothers and Sisters is a band out of time. Led by real-life siblings Will and Lily Courtney, their music entirely lacks the calculated cool of contemporary indie rock and seems totally oblivious to the cynical machinations of the music business. In an indie world currently hell-bent on exhuming the still-warm corpse of post-punk, Brothers and Sisters reach back to a sunnier age, when idioms as disparate as polished West Coast pop, rock and roll choogle, AM radio balladry and classic country could still rub up against each other at the same hazy Topanga canyon party. Live, the music called up by this stage-cluttering eight-piece alternately evokes classic-rock gods like the Band and Buffalo Springfield alongside songwriters such as Dennis Wilson, Jimmy Webb, and the Mamas and the Papas’ John Phillips on his out-of-print classic John, the Wolf King of L.A. You can listen to a few of their tunes at _________________________________________________________________ Catch suspicious messages before you open them—with Windows Live Hotmail.