Interesting read lately. The industry has been screwing the consumer for years.My understanding is that the manufacturing costs to make a CD is roughly the same as the 12" vinyl LP. Yet they have been sold for $12.00 - $15.00 from the very beginning. Whereas Lp's only went for $6.99-$8.99( New at Tower) if memory serves. Were Indies selling their product at any lower prices ??? Hmmm....... I say everyone had it good for a long time. The world has changed, we all need to evolve.Long live Emusic. Anyone getting into the music business should know that the rewards will probably be pretty slim. Do support the artist at gigs, myspace, web sites, etc however. I think that whomever suggested that perhaps music was maybe indeed overvalued hit the nail on the head. Just my 2 cents. luv, tl P.S. I asked my pal CVS if he made any green from Emusic. He figures it's just gas money. --------------------------------- Luggage? GPS? Comic books? Check out fitting gifts for grads at Yahoo! Search.