Jaimie writes that he incurred the "loss of my front tooth during a meeting with EMI". Ok, I'll bite, that must have been some heated discussion! BTW, I am certainly not ashamed that I am an eMusic subscriber. Nobody is holding a gun to the label's heads to sell their music at a loss. To be honest, it's a pain to download the stuff and then burn it to CD, I don't think I would pay $.99 for a downloaded song, but at a quarter, the savings makes it worth the bother. What else? I think I saw Stacy in the City at a Hector in Stilts/John Brodeur show in January, but it was only after I left that I realized that it must have been her. What else? The IPO show in Chicago was really good. The bill featured The Lackloves, Pezband and Off Broadway. I think The Lackloves are one of the better trad power pop bands, and am awaiting their new release. Pezband did "Love Goes Underground", "Stella Blue", "Stop! Wait a Minute", several new songs, and many bluesy covers. They have certainly changed direction since their breakup in the early eighties, they are not a tradititional power pop band, more of a blues-rock band made up of three virtuosos. Off Broadway did a slew of covers, preparing for their all-covers show they will be doing soon. They are a trad power pop band, their guitars crunch like cereal! They finished off with "Eddie's Pals" which is a fun song showcasing why the bands from the seventies cook with the original recipe. What else? The Radio Heartbeat Power Pop Festival in Brooklyn was a voyage in a time machine. The kids love power pop! The merch table was selling lots of new vinyl, and the kids dressed up like it was 1978. Everyone was wearing buttons. The most amazing moment was seeing the crowded audience of twenty-somethings joining 20/20 in the chorus of "Shake Some Action", arms raised in salute. I had not seen 20/20 since 1980 in L.A., so when they lit into "Tell Me Why", tears were welling in my eyes. I am so happy that Ron Flynt has recovered from his accident and is playing guitar again. See ya, Sherman