Bob Hutton wrote: > All I meant by my final comments... I don't anything you originally wrote bothered me in particular.... until you got to the end, where you said this: " I don't much care if people can make their living out of music or not" -- And what this seemed to mean was that you weren't making a comment about your preferences for purchasing music anymore, you were making a comment about the way other people (musicians, label owners, record company employees, etc. etc.) make their living. I don't know you personally, but that seems like quite an inconsiderate thing to say on this list -- and perhaps it's not what you *meant*... -- knowing full well that many of us work very hard at record labels, some of us on the list (not myself) are working musicians, etc. etc. I suppose we should all just realized the music business was going to be difficult and all shifted our focus over to doing something that seems like a better way to make a living. Maybe we should have all gotten jobs at Halliburton, huh? They seem to be doing okay. Adam, your post was right on -- perfect. Thanks for it. I guess I just think it's tough to read the kinds of comments like Bob's above after working my ass off all day at work (Warner Music Group/Rhino) and then coming home and reading emails where it's pretty obvious people are going to do whatever it is they're going to do and *too bad* if it affects your personal livelihood. Tell us, Bob, what kind of work do you do? Something fulfilling, I hope. Bryan