Hey everybody. I went to Coachella this weekend. While I didn't get to see Crowded House get hit with water bottles (I saw part of their act, but was waiting for Lily Allen to come on at the time.. sorry Anna), I did get to see some great acts, including some that I don't know much about.. Manu Chao was on right before Rage on Sunday night, and they were great. I see that they have several CD's out. Does anyone have any info on him/them? At the festival, on Friday and Sunday, I ended up seeing Comedians Of Comedy, Of Montreal, Silversun Pickups, Amy Winehouse, Rufus Wainwright, Peaches, Jesus and Mary Chain, Jarvis Cocker, Sonic Youth, Bjork, Mika, The Feeling, The Kooks, Explosions In The Sky, Rodrigo y Gabriela, CSS, Jose Gonzales, Crowded House, Lily Allen, Air, Manu Chao and Rage, in whole or in part. Arthur myspace.com/arthurbang2 ************************************** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.