I am a total sucker for "Silly Love Songs" as well.It's a feel good song,with great vocals.And really, what's wrong with that? >From: "Josh Chasin" >Reply-To: audities@smoe.org >To: >Subject: Re: Macca again (was Worst Hit Songs By Major Artists) >Date: Sun, 6 May 2007 12:25:12 -0400 > >I think "Silly Love Songs" is great. The seeming banality of the song is >obviously deliberate, a response to criticisms of the banality of his >""silly love songs." Then eventually he gets to some nice ear candy vocal >derring do, stretching out more than you usually get to do in a number one >single, then at the end he snaps back; "What's wrong with that?" Its >metatextual. Every time I hear it, I sort of feel like, "point taken." > >But my favorite song on that record is "Beware My Love." > _________________________________________________________________ Get a FREE Web site, company branded e-mail and more from Microsoft Office Live! http://clk.atdmt.com/MRT/go/mcrssaub0050001411mrt/direct/01/